Terms and Conditions

1. Conclusion of contract

All offers are subject to change and non-binding. A contract is only concluded by written acceptance of the offer by the client and our respective confirmation.

2. Service content

The scope and content of the services is determined by our written confirmation (see 1. above). With regard to any involved third parties we act as intermediary only.

3. Change of services

a) Changes by the company, third parties or force majeur. Deviations to the confirmation regarding particular services are only permissible after the confirmation if not induced in bad faith by the company.

b) Changes on the client’s request after the start of a tour (e.g. regarding the routing or timing) are only possible within legal and operational limits, in the discretion of the driver. Any changes of the services have to be authorized by the client’s signature on the transfer-job-print-out.

4. Prices

a) Prices in offers are calculated on the basis of the client’s request and information. The invoicing is based on the services indeed conducted.

The calculations are based on the period for which the coach is requested, its size and the amount of kilometers (including all shuttle services and extra kilometers not within our responsibility).

All ancillary fees such as road fees („Maut“), Visa, ferries, parking fees, phone calls, guides etc. have to be paid by the client, as well as any cost due to damages or immense contamination of a coach caused by passengers.

b) The prices as per the conclusion of the contract apply.

c) When the agreed services’ scope is extended, the additional costs are to be paid by the client.

5. Payment conditions

100% payable latest 10 days prior to departure. During payment default € 7,50 apply for each payment reminder. In addition default interest in the amount of 5% above the German federal bank rate (Bundesdiskontzinssatz) applies.

6. Withdrawal and cancellation by the client

a) A client’s withdrawal from the contract does not harm the company’s claim for payment. The company will deduct any saved expenses. The company may instead claim the following fixed cancellation fees:

until the 22nd day prior to departure 10%,

from 21st till 7th day prior to departure 25%,

from 6th day prior to departure until departure 40%,

less than 48 hours prior to departure 100% of the agreed price.

The client may provide evidence that the company’s exact cancellation costs have been lower or that the company found other disposal of the cancelled services. In any such case the cancellation fees will be reduced accordingly.

b) The client may cancel the contract after the start of the tour in case of any circumstances that render the performance of the services impossible. With regard to the company’s obligation to offer return transfers 7 b applies.

c) The claiming of compensation for any additional damage is not excluded. This refers to e.g. cancellation fees for ferries or Hotel accommodation. 

7. Cancellation by the company

The company may cancel the contract prior to departure or after departure in the following cases:

a) In case of exceptional circumstances not in the company’s responsibility the render the performance impossible.

b) When cancelling after departure the company is obliged to back transfer the clients, except given that the circumstances that led to the cancellation render the back transfer impossible.

Expenses that have been saved due to the cancellation are refunded and extra expenses have to be paid by the client. This also applies in case of amendments to the agreed services become necessary due to the above mentioned reasons.

8. Code of passengers‘ behavior

a) Passengers have to behave in consideration of their, other passengers’ and the vehicle’s safety and operationability. The staff’s instructions have be followed.

b) Passengers may not talk to the driver while driving, open doors while driving, affect the pathways or exits with objects.

c) In case of a vehicle’s contamination or damage costs are charged in the amount that compensates for the contamination or damage, in any case at least € 150. The claim of any additional costs is not excluded.

Complaints have to be communicated to the company, not to the driver.

9. Behavior while driving

Passengers not following the driver’s instructions may be held responsible for any damages or costs incurred due to their behavior and may be excluded from the transportation without being compensated for a back transfer. Any passenger is obliged to provide for his/her firm hold in order not to harm him/herself or others.

10. Excluded passengers

a) Passengers who pose a risk to other passengers or the operationability are excluded from being transported, in particular: persons that are under influence of intoxicating substances, infectious illnesses, carry weapons. Children under 6 can be excluded from transportation if not accompanied by another person aged 6 or above.

11. Execution

We are without giving a guarantee committed to allocate the vehicles in time. The driver has to act in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations. The client may not adversely instruct the driver. A duty of transportation does only apply if the conditions or carriage are complied with. Alteration to the route, malfunction of any kind not in our responsibility do not incur a compensation claim towards the passenger. If the contract cannot be fulfilled due to force majeure we endeavour to back transfer the passengers or to organize an equivalent substitute. Further claims are excluded.

12. Liability of the company

We accept a liability of up to € 500,- when using our busses according to applicable laws. Liability for damages caused by passengers or during loading of busses is excluded.

13. Limitation of liability

a) The company’s liability is generally limited to the prices according to section 4:

1) if a damage is not caused by gross negligence or intent

2) if the company’s compensation is incurred by a sub-contractors failure only

A client’s claim is excluded in case of slight negligence. § 8 a 2, 1 StVG shall remain unaffected.

b) A company’s liability is excluded or limited if due to applicable law a subcontractor’s liability is excluded.

c) The company is not liable for services in respect of which it is only acting as intermediary.

15. Exclusion of and limitation period for claims  

Claims have to be raised within one month after return from any tour, unless the expiration of such deadline is not within the responsibility of the client.

All contractual claims expire 6 months, others 2 years after the return.

15. Visa, customs and healthcare regulations

The passenger himself is responsible for the adherence to any such regulations.

16. Slaving of objects

a) Objects only may not be transported. Luggage only if the safety and operationability is not affected.

b) Hazardous substances are excluded from transportation.

c) The driver finally decides about the admissibility of luggage or objects.

17. Animals

Section 16 a applies,

18. Miscellaneous

By ordering a service these terms and conditions are accepted.

19. Invalidity of certain regulations 

The invalidity of certain regulations does not affect the entire agreement.

20. Place of jurisdiction

Erhard Zieger GmbH & Co.KG
Firmensitz: Haltern am See
Registergericht: Gelsenkirchen
Handelsregister: HRA 2864
persönlich haftender Gesellschafter:
Erhard Zieger Verwaltungs- und Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH
Registergericht: Gelsenkirchen
Handelsregister: HRB 6301
Geschäftsführer: Peter Zieger

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